Undiscovered experiences, new passions, and untapped potential await.
With over a half century of history,
the flowing winds of Koen will gently embrace you,
instilling newfound strength.
- Department of Food Science and Dietetics
[Two-year Program] - As health consciousness advances throughout Japan, there is ever-increasing demand for nutrition professionals. In this practical two-year curriculum, students master a broad base of knowledge and advanced techniques for effective professional development in fields such as dietetics or diet and nutrition education.

Licenses and Qualifications via this Program
Dietitian- Received at Graduation Subject to Completion of Required Credits
Dietitians maintain and promote human health through nutrition counselling and meal management, including tasks such as menu creation. Their actual workplaces include hospitals, welfare facilities, and childcare facilities. Other roles include inspection, research, and development for food companies, and nutrition counselling at sports-related facilities.
Diet and Nutrition Educator (Second Class)- Received at Graduation Subject to Completion of Required Credits
Specialists in both dietetics and education, diet and nutrition educators provide diet-related guidance for class activities, curricula, and school events, leading children towards healthy and active futures. Another key role is building connections with families and communities to promote public awareness of food education.
- Practice in Meal Provision
- This course systematically covers procedures and methods of meal provision. Students carry out planning themselves, and each performs their own share of work, learning firsthand the value of cooperation as they master the knowledge and skills necessary for large-scale meal preparation.
- Practice in Cooking
- This course focuses on mastering the basic techniques and fundamental knowledge of cooking, such as ingredient selection, handling, preparation, and presentation. Students will also learn about traditional meals for Japanese seasonal events.
- Practical Theory of Meal Provision
- This course covers the basic knowledge involved with meal provision, such as nutrition management, hygiene management, and process management. Students will also gain the practical work experience required to deliver meal provision service.
- Experiments in Food Science
- Through chemical and empirical studies of the nutritional values and constituents of foods, students learn to see food from a scientific viewpoint while they gain a broad variety of skills and knowledge regarding food analysis.
- Department of Early Childhood Education
[Two-year Program] - As the unification of childcare advances, the relevance of both kindergarten teacher and childcare worker qualifications continues to increase. Koen Gakuen’s Department of Early Childhood Education focuses on providing our students with the values, specialized knowledge, strong empathy and expressiveness, and practical abilities to become an effective early childhood educator suited to modern needs.

Licenses and Qualifications via this Program
Kindergarten Teacher
(Second Class)- Received at Graduation Subject to Completion of Required Credits
Under Japan’s School Education Act, kindergartens are defined as educational institutions responsible for pre-school education. Kindergarten teachers encourage children’s physical and mental development in the diverse fields of health, interpersonal relationships, environment, language, and expression. Through playtime and activities, they support the development of life experience during infancy.
Qualified Childcare Worker- Received at Graduation Subject to Completion of Required Credits
Essentially, the role of qualified childcare workers is to help bring up children on behalf of families who would otherwise have difficulty doing so, for example, in the case of two working parents. Qualified childcare workers provide support and guidance necessary for the development of children aged zero through eighteen at facilities such as nursery schools and daycares, foster homes, and institutions for mentally impaired children.
- Music
- This course develops skill in piano recital, an essential topic for many early childhood education professionals. Classes are divided into small groups, with lessons according to individual level, allowing even beginners to master the skill of piano playing.
- Child Diet and Nutrition
- This class focuses on healthy upbringing and development of children in the context of nutrition and dietary habits. Students will learn fundamental cooking skills and handling of infant-oriented cooking equipment for the planning and implementation of food education.
- Infancy Formation
- This course fosters understanding of the characteristics of formation of expression during the infancy stage, together with practical abilities to interact with children via colors, shapes, objects, and the like.
- Child Health
- This class considers health-related measures in consideration of factors such as mental and physical states and stages of development of each individual child, as well as the health and wellbeing of entire groups.